Blob Creators

  • Aimee Mayaliwa
  • Rafat Hamidi
  • Youssef Kachouh
  • Tom Millard

Sunday 15 May 2011

Journal 2:Theme Paragraph - Aimee Mayaliwa

As I finally finished the book of The house of the Scorpion, I had a lot of options to choose from. To begin with, I had an idea of 3 words, hope, friendship and faith. Starting with friendship and the yearning of having friends and people you can trust .I could easily put those words together and come up with a simple explanation. Doing the theme isn't the easiest to explain. I did a second run through the book and came up with an idea. The theme would probley be that no matter what the person is made of, no matter where they came from, or whatever destined to do, you cannot disregard them. Matt is ignored and treated badly because of what he is.

1 comment:

  1. I also came to the same conclusion when i thought of a theme for this book in my journal #3 I talk about what i thought the theme was and it touches on almost every thing you said here.
    Tom Millard
