Blob Creators

  • Aimee Mayaliwa
  • Rafat Hamidi
  • Youssef Kachouh
  • Tom Millard

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

What makes this novel? -- Rafat Hamidi

Journal #4

In the novel The House of the Scorpion written by Nancy Farmer, I think what makes the novel is the whole clone process. I really enjoy movies or other stories that have to do with clones and the future. They help me see what the future could be like or give me a picture of how we are all going to be like one day. This novel really showed me these very well which drove me to try and read more to see what goes on in the life written in the novel. I also really enjoy the way they explained the process of harvesting a clone in a cow, I have never really heard of that type of cloning, and I liked it because it sounded really realistic. 

What is the book saying about life? -- Rafat hamidi

Journal #3

The novel The House of the Scorpion written by Nancy Farmer is saying many things about life. It says that you should not judge people or treat them any different then anybody else around you. In this novel the characters showed a lot of disrespect to Matt by locking him in a dark room were there was no bathroom or anything that is close to a natural living environment for a human. Matt was judged and not seen for whom he really was. Everybody in the Alacran house with the exception of Maria, treated Matt like an animal and didn't listen to him or try and understand him. Most of the people in the house were convinced that he was dangerous and even Maria sometimes doubted him. But, Matt went on to learn more and tried to convince everybody that he can be like all the normal kids. Soon enough, Matt went on to save all eejits and was probably one of the most smartest out of all the characters in the novel.  

Monday, 16 May 2011

Journal 4:Life Lesson- Aimee Mayaliwa

Reading this book, The House of the Scorpion, gives many life lessons. In life people go through alot of breakthroughs and struggles and speed bumps. Most people go to counseling for that, but many people do no know that there answers of life can be right under there nose, right in novels. In this book many different live lesson are taught. One of them being that everybody is unique. I hear many different stories about male and females being insecure about how they look or act, or even have issues of looking at themselves in the mirror. People in my generation are growing up to  technology and magazines and talented actors and actress that have unbelievable bodies and looks, but what people don't know, is that half of it is make-up or bot ox or surgery or just plain fake. Every single human being on this planet earth is unique. Whether if it comes to your colour of eyes or shape of lips, everybody has something unique about themselves. Having so many different races and cultures and mixes makes this world unique, going to a school with many different cultural background makes the school that i go to unique. Having a type of hair colour, or having a white grandfather makes me unique. Not everybody realizes how unique and special they are. Even though Matt and all the other clones are composed with the same DNA they are different, especially Matt, he is different and unique from the group because he gains artistic and musical skills that not all the other clones have. Let it be lesson, every single person has a unique thing in themselves that not everybody has that makes them unique.

What does this Novel remind me of? -- Rafat Hamidi

Journal #1

The Novel The house of the Scorpion written by Nancy Farmer reminded me of a movie called The Island. This Novel reminded me of that movie because both stories have to do with clones. In the Novel El Patron creates a clone for himself encase he needs a body part and in the film The Island humans created clones that were controlled by a facility and the clones were to be killed when the humans themselves needed a body part or a child. Also in the Novel, Matt was locked in the house and was not to talk to any other humans and in the film the clones were brainwashed and forced to think that there is an Island and they were not aloud to know that there were other humans or a whole other world out there. Also, in the novel Matt was smart enough to realize that he is a clone but he acted like a normal human when the doctors predicted that he would have bad memory and etc because he was harvested in a cow. Also, in the film the people in the facility were smart enough to know that they were clones and that they need to escape the facility before they kill them. These two stories are very similar and they are both written about the future were there is very high technology. 

What effects does this novel have on me? -- Rafat Hamidi

Journal #2

The novel The House of the Scorpion written by Nancy Farmer, bored me and excited me. This novel bored me because there were lots of chapters that just had details and no actual action that I like in a novel. It was very slow paced and that is one aspect that I don't like about novels that I read, mostly because they don't drive me to read further. This book also excited me because I love to hear or watch predictions about the future. It gives me an image on how the world is supposed to shape up. I also love hearing about stories or movies that have to do with animal or human clones, so when I first started reading this book I was driven to see what was about to happen next. 

Major Conflicts: Youssef Kachouh

    Journal #4

In this book I witnessed several major conflicts that occurred with Matt. The themes that i found most important were, Matt tiring to fit in with the kids of the big house, Matt falls in love with Maria, and she’s in love with him to, but both are unable to see each other. Most conflicts occur for the reason Matt being a clone and clones are viewed as wild animals that should be treated like any viscous animal. Matt is aware of this hatred that people have to clones. To begin with, Matt does his best to fit in with the kids at the big house, but the servants and the house keeper; that allowed him to stay since he is sick, are treating him horribly as if he has no feeling and is not a human. He does later achieve this goal of his throughout the novel. In addition, during his stay at the big house, Matt falls in love with the House keeper’s daughters, Maria, who she also falls in love with him. Matt and Maria are unable to see each other because the Maria’s father does not allow her being near clones, for the reason that they are dangerous. These conflicts occurred for the reason he is a clone, but in my opinion clones are humans, the only difference is, the clones are made by mankind. Some clones could be dangerous, but some could be humanlike, like Matt, he has feeling and a brain to think with, these kinds of clones should be treated with respect no matter what the reason is. If who kill them you are killing humans which will lead to consequences. This is the reason why it’s illegal to produce clones, it will lead to killing them for their body parts, which will lead to humans thinking its ok to kill for survival, and long term affects could lead to world disaster.               

The Novel's Expression: Youssef Kachouh

    Journal #3

When I think of this book I would imagine an adventures and experience learning book mixed with some depression and action, this book has variety of moods expressed by the author or the opinion of the way a person sees it. This novel’s mood comes from Matt’s experience and what he is put through from the reason of him being a clone but still he was able to turn the odds and got the others too like and respect him as human being.  It takes place in the future when clones are created to provide the wealthy with replacement body parts. Most clones are brain-dead, but El Patron, a drug lord, doesn't ruin his clone's brains because of his desire to relive his childhood through them. The story follows the life of his clone, Matt. Nancy is a good writer who can evoke strong imagery. The story kept moving at a nice pace and the primary characters were well developed and distinct. The main strength of this book is the creative world that Nancy creates.  It wasn't really clear where the story was going and it tended to shift gears from time to time. It also felt overly-bleak, and sometimes throughout the book I feel like I’m reading a different book. I like this book, it was enjoyable. If I had to give an idea for a second book it would be, Matt has to, capture other clone makers, and stop them from making clones, leading to larger problems like haters who want the clones for their body parts, so they start wanting to kill Matt, Which than Matt realizes that he has to change his plan by helping the clones to escape their makers in order to keep them safe. This book is very interesting in many ways and I recommend It for any reader, if they are looking for an enjoyable book to read.   

Journal #4 By: Tom Millard

Journal #4

In today’s society cloning is considered by most to be ethically wrong but in the novel The House of the Scorpion cloning is a more or less an acceptable thing to do. Clones are not thought of as humans they are more closely compared to animals because their ability to think was destroyed when they were “harvested” . It is illegal for a clone not to have their intelligence destroyed at birth but El Patron was so wealthy he could get around the law and so Matt was not a normal clone. Unlike most clones Matt could think and learn and as much as possible when being a clone of someone be his own person. In the book Matt is seen as a socially unacceptable being and this was an issue for most of the people he met with the exception of the people who really got to know Matt for who he really was not what he was or how he was born. Such as Maria, Celia, Tam Lin and his friends from Aztlan. This book is a very different style compared to other books that I have read. It is longer than books I usually read. It is probably longer because of the amount of detail and description used the tell the story. I usually read books where the setting is Canada or The United States. But in this book the setting is in a made up county that is not similar to The United States or Canada. This book is set in the future where thing are very different from the way things actually are and I tend to read books that are set in current time and thing are pretty similar to the way my life is.

Journal #3 By: Tom Millard

Journal #3

The book touches on many different themes. I think that the main theme is that no matter where a person comes from or what they believes, or what they are that person has feeling that should be recognized and respected not disregarded. Another theme touched on in the book is friendship. In true friendship a friend will do whatever it takes to be with his or her friend. A friend also makes sacrifices for the people they care about. In the book Matt and Maria are true friends. Even though she could get in big trouble for talking to Matt, Maria still talks to him every chance she gets because she loves him and is a true friend. Tam Lin is one of Matt`s best friends. Tam Lin sacrifices his life for Matts freedom. Overall i think the theme is that you should be who you are even in a world that doesn't respect you. It is about friendship, love, and understanding yourself. I think it's about living in a world that sees you as someone different, and trying to overcome that intolerance and be respected and loved by others. This book made me more conscious of how some people are rude to others with out even knowing it. Some people are mean to others without even realizing that they are having an effect on the other person. In this story everyone except for Matt`s real friends are mean and rude to him because he is a clone. They don’t even realize that how they treat him or that what they say to him actually hurt him. They say hurtful things dismissively not knowing or caring that Matt has feelings. I think this happens a lot in actual life, people are so caught up in there own lives that they don’t stop to think that the thing they say may have an effect on other people.

Journal #2 By: Tom Millard

Journal #2

The book The House of the Scorpion has different moods throughout. At the beginning of the book the mood is very lonesome. Its lonesome because Matt is all alone with out any friends. He only knows Celia who is only home for a little bit in the evening. The mood changes in middle of the book from lonesome to adventurous. The mood becomes adventurous because Matt and Maria become friends and Matt and Tam Lin his body guard become good friends and they do stuff together. Maria is always telling Matt about her adventures and he is really interested. Tam Lin takes Matt to the oasis and they hike and have picnics and Tam Lin teaches Matt things about nature. In the middle of the book Matt's life really changes because he is used to doing nothing except for watching television and playing by himself. Now he meets all of these new people and he is always doing something such as talking to El Patron or learning to play music. I think this is a positive change in his life. Near the end of the story the mood becomes depressing and kind of hopeless. Matt realizes that his purpose for being born was so that he could be used for spare parts when El Patron needed them. When El Patron dies Matt is still sad even though El Patron was going to kill him for parts. Tam Lin takes Matt to the oasis and tells him to run away to Aztlan. Matt doesn’t want to leave Tam Lin or Celia he is sad to go but does it any way. When he reaches Aztlan the border police pick him up and bring him to and orphanage where the boys work all day. They send him to San Luis where he is hopeful he will find Maria. Instead he is greeted by a nasty keeper. The mood becomes hopeful when he and a few of the other orphans make a plan to escape. They make it out and find Maria and her mother who rescue them. The mood at the end of the book is inspirational and prosperous as Matt goes back to Opium and find Celia and makes plans to reform Opium to a good country.

Journal # 1 By: Tom Millard

Journal #1

The novel, The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer is a very entertaining book. It excited me, made me sad, and was suspenseful. It excited me because of the action in the book like when Matt breaks the window to get out of Celia's house. Some parts of the book saddened me, such as when Rosa the maid throws Matt into an empty cement room when she finds out that Matt is a clone. She then takes away his bead and throws saw wood shavings on the ground like you would do to a chicken. It was also sad when Matt realizes that eejits are people who have chips in their brains and are pretty much zombies. The book has some very suspenseful parts that have you on the edge of your seat while you read. One of the most suspenseful parts of the book is when Matt is right near the border and he sees the farm patrol, he hides and when they are distracted he makes a run for the boarder. They see him and grab him by his backpack but he wiggles out of it and gets across the border to safety.

Relation to this novel: Youssef Kachouh

   Journal #2

Nancy Farmer successful book the house of the scorpion is a very good book that I surprisingly enjoyed. What makes my book is close to this one but if it were a non-fiction book and had more of a realistic story to the plot. This Book reminds me of the Movie Island; it had the same theme of the book, about cloning one another to the purpose to using their body parts in order to stay alive. In this Movie clones were illegal to make, but an intelligent scientist was desperate to making money and opened a secret hidden company where the clones were manufactured by the permission of the ones who were clones, mostly the people needed their clones for their body parts. The clones were hypnotized to believe that there is a virus in the world and that they were the only survivors, and when the sponsors needed them they were tricked into belief that they are heading to an island that was not infected the virus, but they were taken to the operation room, and after they were murdered. After reading this book I understand why cloning is wrong and illegal, but I don’t understand why scientist can’t just clone the parts that are need by the one who was cloned. It is also difficult knowing that even though scientist has the knowledge of the consequence that may occur when cloning and that it is wrong cloning, they still do clone animals for testing, which is cruel for the animal’s right because the animal is also a living creature that has a life and maybe a family to go to. This novel express many lessons that is send to the reader by the author, and these lesson are important to learn in life and Nancy Farmer lessons in the novel.

How I feel about this novel: Youssef Kachouh

      Journal # 1

The book The House of the Scorpion by Nancy farmer is a terrific book which kept me excited throughout the whole experience of the book. Nancy Farmer did a lot of thinking to come up with a breath taking story.  I really like the book. The only thing is that the author doesn’t always put who’s speaking, so it’s sometimes hard to tell. Some of the spacing is also messed up. Other than that, this book is great! It is very detailed and I can clearly see what’s going on. Matt’s emotions are mostly expressed clearly. Matt discovers he is a clone in a future where clones are thought of as little more than animals. Matt learns a lot in the course of the novel; perhaps the most frightening of these is the reason for ones to clone themselves. This lesson showed me the purpose and consequence that may occur in the event, because clones can learn reason and start to develop emotions. In real life cloning one another is illegal for that reason because it would be called murder. This story is also really emotional, like the part where Tom plants the bomb in the wrong location and kills 20 children. After finishing this book I increased my knowledge Families, Friends and Enemies, Generations, Challenges and Triumphs, The Individual vs. Society, Nature/Science, and Adventure. Although The House of the Scorpion is somewhat long with a rather complicated plot, secondary-school students will enjoy reading Matt’s haunting story of survival. Even though I don’t like reading fiction books, the house of the scorpion was different, I felt that this story could relate in real life situations. Scientist have already figured how to clone people and any one in the world can clone a person if they had the right tools and ingredients.

The House Of The Scorpion Characters

  • Celia is the Big House cook and Matt’s caretaker. Celia is the mother figure in Matt's life, and protects him from the horrible truths about his purpose until the very end. They are separated when Matt flees to Aztlán, but meet again when Matt returns to claim Opium.
  • El Patrón is a drug lord, born Matteo Alacrán, the ruler of Opium, and supposedly, the most powerful man in the world. He lived for 143 years by harvesting organs from his clones, the last of which (and the only one who lived) was Matt. The Aztlános call him the old vampire of Dreamland (a metonym for Opium). El Patrón is the only one protecting Matt from the people who do not like Matt, but Matt soon finds out that El patron only wants him for his organs. El Patrón has a heart attack when Matt is 14, and demands Matt to give him life in return for the life that he granted Matt. However, he is foiled by Celia, who reveals that she has been giving Matt carefully calculated doses of arsenic. These doses aren't potent to kill Matt, but arsenic tends to settle in the heart. El Patrón is so enraged by her treachery that he immediately has another heart attack and dies.
  • María and Emilia are the only children of Mr. Mendoza, who is an influential US Senator. El Patrón, who likes making powerful friends, frequently invites him to stays in Opium; consequently, María spends a lot of time in the Big House. She's around Matt's age and is his only friend, aside from Celia and Tam Lin. She treats him well even when no one else will, and unlike everyone else, doesn't see him as a filthy abomination. As they get older, they eventually come to the realization that they love each other.
  • The Lost Boys are a group of boys whose parents were captured by the "Farm Patrol" and most likely turned into eejits. These boys are kept in Keepers' compounds in Aztlán and forced to work incessantly and adhere to Marxist principles, while the Keepers get to kick back all day. Ton-Ton, Chacho and Fidelito are the Lost Boys who join forces with Matt and escape the Keepers with him.
  • Alacráns is El Patrón's descendants. They include his grandson, Gustavo Alacrán, known to most as "El Viejo", his great-grandson Mr. Alacrán, and his great-great grandsons, Benito, Tom, and Steven.
  • Mendozas is a US Senator, and his two daughters, María and Emilia. Mr. Mendoza is one of El Patrón's friends, and visits with his daughters frequently.
  • Esperanza is Mr. Mendoza's former wife, and María and Emilia's mother. She walked out on them when María was five, and is the author of "A History of Opium", a book about the atrocities of Opium. A copy of this makes its way into Matt's hands through Tam Lin. From a page in the back of the book about the author, Matt deduces that Esperanza is politically powerful. When he's escaping Opium, Tam Lin orders him to seek out María in order to find her mother, Esperanza, who could probably help Matt.
  • Eejits are illegal immigrants who have been caught by the Farm Patrol. They have computer chips inserted into their brains, which turns them into mindless, emotionless slaves. They are used to do simple tasks within the mansion and to harvest opium. Though most are captured illegal immigrants, some are people who angered El Patrón, such as Rosa, the maid that locked Matt in a room with sawdust and chicken wire and treated him brutally.
  • Tam Lin is Matt's bodyguard and father figure. El Patron gives Matt a choice between Tam Lin and Daft Donald, his other bodyguard; Matt sees a "glint of friendliness" in Tam Lin's eyes and unhesitatingly chooses him. Matt quickly bonds with Tam Lin, who teaches Matt to climb treacherous rock-faces and live for days in the wild. Tam Lin is later called back to El Patrón's side and leaves Matt with a cache of supplies in the hopes that when El Patrón decides to take Matt's heart, for his own, Matt will escape over the Ajo Mountains into Aztlán to seek out the convent of Santa Clara where María lives and attends school. All of El Patrón's bodyguards are wanted criminals, and Tam Lin is no exception: he was a Scottish nationalist who laid a bomb for the British Prime Minister that somehow killed a bus full of children instead. As atonement, he drinks wine he knows El Patrón poisoned, along with all of the other Alacráns.
  • Daft Donald is a mute bodyguard who works for El Patron. He was Tam Lin's accomplice in Tam Lin's little stint as a terrorist. During El Patrón's wake, when the poisoned wine is brought out, Tam Lin tells Daft Donald not to drink. Obviously, everyone dies but him, and he seals the burial chamber off with a dynamite explosion. Daft Donald is the one who informs Matt what happened to everybody when Matt returns to the Big House.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Journal 3:What This Remind Me Of- Aimee Mayaliwa

When I think of this book now I automatically think of clones. When I was younger, I watched television all the time. I basically only watched the family channel that had many shows. For every disney channel show, they always ended up making a original movie. This book reminds me of the Proud Family Movie, this probley sounds ridicolous but it does. The movie was based on the disney's original Proud Family Show that I loved with a passion. Even though the two stories have completly different settings and plots, the only thing they have in common are the clones. In the Proud Family Movie, the main character Penny Proud turns sixteen and ends up celebrating her birthday with her family that she hates at the moment. The Family only gets asked to stay on the island because her father Oscar Proud is known as making the "nasty snacks" that he calls Proud Snacks. For some reason Oscar Proud has a proud snack formula that completes the evil doctors ingredients to clones. Except for the clones being human they are snacks, but since Oscar won't tell him the formula, the evil Doctor clones the whole family except for Penny,and keeps them in prison while the clones go back to the familes home, to search for the formula. Its up to Penny save the family. Since the doctor is doing it for evil, he doesnt end up getting the formula and the Proud Family lives happy.

Journal 2:Theme Paragraph - Aimee Mayaliwa

As I finally finished the book of The house of the Scorpion, I had a lot of options to choose from. To begin with, I had an idea of 3 words, hope, friendship and faith. Starting with friendship and the yearning of having friends and people you can trust .I could easily put those words together and come up with a simple explanation. Doing the theme isn't the easiest to explain. I did a second run through the book and came up with an idea. The theme would probley be that no matter what the person is made of, no matter where they came from, or whatever destined to do, you cannot disregard them. Matt is ignored and treated badly because of what he is.

Journal 1:How I feel About This Book- Aimee Mayaliwa

When I first saw the summative book, I didn't have a opinion about the book or author because I never heard about the book before, I was hoping for the book to be interesting. One part I enjoyed of the book was the whole idea of clones in the future, just because technology and scientist are figuring out many different things. Reading the book, gave me a little thought of the future, and how much I'm going to fear it, if this happens.I'm not a fan of science fiction books. Sadly I cannot say that I enjoyed reading this book, it was really difficult for me to get through this book, there were many breaks and stops between the pages of the book. To start off, reading or even talking about clones makes me uncomfortable, clones are one of my childhood fear. Secondly, as the book continued I was introduced to the characters , I felt bad for Matt, considering that fact that he was a clone and his situation, and when he was with the Alacranes. When he was with them, they treated him really bad, by locking him up in a room. Personally, if the person is human or not, they do not derserve to be treated like that.

Discussion Questions by Aimee Mayaliwa

Q: What talent does Matt develop, that El Patron and the other clones never did?A: Matt develops a artistic and musical talent, because of his musical talent, it shows that hes not only a clone but also a human being.

Q: In the house of the scorpion, what does Steven think of Matt and how does this change over the course of the book?A: Steven hates him, i eind conflict thrught out the book

Q: What does Matt, Chacho and Fidelito have to do after lunch?A: They are to work by tending the brine shrimp tanks.

Q: What does Celia explain to Matt? (hint: in chapter 13)A: In chapter thirteen, Celia explains how clones are injected wit  drug that destorys their brain.

Q: How is Matt Special? ( hint: in chapter 13)A: Matt is special and unique because he is one of the clones that didnt get injced

Q: Where does El Patron insist upone having Matt & Celia (hint: chapter 15)A: He insist on having Matt and Celia attent the Funeral of El Viejo's death.

Q: What is Matt confident in?A: Matt is confident in gettin Maria alone, so he can finally explain how he is different from all the other clones.

Q:What is almost all food made of in the harvesting area in San Luis?A: Almost all food is made of in plankton. Carlos loves plankton and tries to make everything out of it including burgers.

Q:Which one of these isn't a son/clone of Alacran's?A: All of them are Alacrans on paper but Tom is actually Mr. MacGregor's son. El Patron kept him only because he wants what is his. Steven, Benito and Matt are all blood Alacrans.