Blob Creators

  • Aimee Mayaliwa
  • Rafat Hamidi
  • Youssef Kachouh
  • Tom Millard

Monday 16 May 2011

Relation to this novel: Youssef Kachouh

   Journal #2

Nancy Farmer successful book the house of the scorpion is a very good book that I surprisingly enjoyed. What makes my book is close to this one but if it were a non-fiction book and had more of a realistic story to the plot. This Book reminds me of the Movie Island; it had the same theme of the book, about cloning one another to the purpose to using their body parts in order to stay alive. In this Movie clones were illegal to make, but an intelligent scientist was desperate to making money and opened a secret hidden company where the clones were manufactured by the permission of the ones who were clones, mostly the people needed their clones for their body parts. The clones were hypnotized to believe that there is a virus in the world and that they were the only survivors, and when the sponsors needed them they were tricked into belief that they are heading to an island that was not infected the virus, but they were taken to the operation room, and after they were murdered. After reading this book I understand why cloning is wrong and illegal, but I don’t understand why scientist can’t just clone the parts that are need by the one who was cloned. It is also difficult knowing that even though scientist has the knowledge of the consequence that may occur when cloning and that it is wrong cloning, they still do clone animals for testing, which is cruel for the animal’s right because the animal is also a living creature that has a life and maybe a family to go to. This novel express many lessons that is send to the reader by the author, and these lesson are important to learn in life and Nancy Farmer lessons in the novel.


  1. This could also be a good movie to use for our presentation we should discus what movie to use because you and Aimee both have good movies that could work.
    Tom Millard

  2. It should come up to a discussion
