Blob Creators

  • Aimee Mayaliwa
  • Rafat Hamidi
  • Youssef Kachouh
  • Tom Millard

Monday 9 May 2011

Discussion questions by Youssef Kachouh

Session 3 Conflict

        Q: Why do you think Celia wants Matt not to call her "mother"?
A: Celia doesn’t want Matt to call her mother because she knows the truth of Matt purpose in the world and does not want to get caught up with him.                                            
      Q: Why aren't clones supposed to be smart?
A: If clones were smart then they would understand the purpose why they are on this earth and for the people that needs them would have trouble killing them and taking their organs because when they are smart they understand the purpose of feelings.
       Q: In your opinion, was it wrong to poison Matt even though it would probably save him from being operated on? If Matt was the seventh clone of El Patron, why did Celia try to save this one?
A: No it was not wrong for Celia to poison Matt because she knew that he would survive and it would also save his life since he was going to die anyways.
     Q: What is El Patron's real purpose for having Matt as a clone?
A: El Patron’s brought Matt to life as a clone because El Patron Knows that he is sick and needs a transplant and Matt is his clone for the transplant.
     Q: There are several conflicts Matt experienced, what is the most important conflict?
A: Through-out the novel Matt went through several conflicts between characters vs. environment; Matt tries to fit in the big house but has trouble because Matt is disliked from the others since he is a clone.
     Q: Who is the first Keeper Matt meets?
A: Raul. Raul is a Keeper near Opium and Jorge and Carlos are Keepers in San Luis; Carlos is the Head Keeper. Chacho is a Lost Boy who went with Matt and Fidelito to San Luis on the hovercraft.
     Q: What is almost all food made of in the harvesting area in San Luis?
A: Plankton. Carlos loves plankton and tries to make everything out of it including burgers. Matt thought the plankton was sticky and glueish. There are shrimp harvesters in San Luis but they never get to eat shrimp. They do eat a fair amount of beans though.
    Q: Who drives the shrimp harvester in San Luis?

 A: Ton-Ton. Ton-Ton is the suck-up Lost Boy who gets to drive the shrimp harvester and clean the Keeper's rooms. Jorge is a cruel Keeper and Fidelito is a small Lost Boy who came to San Luis with Matt and Chacho.
    Q: What did Tam Lin kill by accident?
A: 20 children. Tam Lin tried to blow up the embassy with a bomb but didn't know a bus holding 20 children was coming and he ended up killing the children. That's why he and Daft Donald went to Opium.
    Q: Why can't Daft Donald talk?
A: He had his throat cut. Daft Donald has his throat cut a long time ago and Matt assumed he couldn't talk because he was a mute. Tam Lin is scared from the explosion he planted at the embassy.

1 comment:

  1. As you presented your questions, you did a good job
    -Aimee Mayaliwa
